Crosswords with the answer 'astarte'
Crossword clues for the answer 'astarte'
Here are a list of crosswords and crossword clues where the answer is astarte. We take a large list of crossword puzzles and find the most common useful answers to crossword clues to provide for our Crossword Solver.
Search Crossword Clues
Crossword | Position | Answer |
NY Times, Tuesday, May 24, 1994 | 42 down | Ancient fertility goddess |
NY Times, Saturday, July 2, 1994 | 42 down | Ancient goddess of fertility |
Sign Substitution | 1 down | Aphrodite's Semitic counterpart |
"NIGHT LIGHTS" | 93 across | Ancient goddess of fertility |
FAMOUS FEMALES IN FILM (Hard Clues) | 136 down | Ancient Semitic goddess |
NY Times, Mon, Aug 20, 2001 | 40 down | Ancient fertility goddess |
NY Times, Sat, Mar 20, 2004 | 18 across | Goddess mentioned in Poe's "Ulalume" |
NY Times, Wed, Apr 28, 2004 | 25 down | Fertility goddess |
NY Times, Wed, Sep 01, 2004 | 4 down | Fertility goddess |
NY Times, Sat, Feb 12, 2005 | 22 across | Phoenician love goddess |
NY Times, Sat, Apr 30, 2005 | 38 down | Ancient fertility goddess |
NY Times, Thu, Jun 02, 2005 | 10 down | Ancient fertility goddess |
LINKLETTER ART | 76 down | Phoenician fertility deity |
NY Times, Sat, Dec 16, 2006 | 8 across | Ancient fertility goddess |
NY Times, Thu, Sep 11, 2008 | 7 down | Ancient Semitic fertility goddess |
NY Times, Fri, Oct 17, 2008 | 8 down | Semitic fertility goddess |