Crosswords containing the Clue Safecracker

If you're trying to solve a crossword puzzle with the clue Safecracker, then the answer might be listed below. This free list of crossword answers for crossword clues is to help you get an edge over your competition.

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Here's the list of crosswords using the clue Safecracker somewhere in the puzzle:

NY Times, Tue, Jun 20, 199571 across SafecrackerYEGG
NY Times, Tue, Aug 04, 199819 downSafecrackerYEGG
V FORMATION70 across SafecrackerYEGG
NY Times, Mon, Feb 11, 200869 across SafecrackerYEGG
NY Times, Tue, May 25, 201022 across SafecrackerYEGG

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